Understanding The Primary Causes of Sewer Gas Leaks and How To Fix It


Have you noticed any foul smell around your home lately, especially in the kitchen? If you smell any noxious sewer-like odor inside your house, chances are its sewer gas emerging from the drainage pipes. Not only is the smell nauseating, but it can also be a huge problem, mostly if left untreated.

Inhaling this noxious mix of chemicals can have a lot of effect on a person, including dizziness, headaches, and even asphyxiation. Once it builds up, your house can even be at risk of explosion. Fortunately, most cases of sewer gas at home are resolvable if treated immediately. Here are a few primary causes of sewer gas and what you can do to resolve it. Primary causes of sewer gas:


Leaks in your home’s plumbing system can cause gas to build up from its pipes. So, check if you have improperly placed vents or pipes and call for professional plumbing services to fix it. Plumbing vents installed to close to an air intake or windows can also cause sewer gas to get inside your house. It can get inside through the cracks in your house’s foundation, too.

Blocked air ventilations

Blocked air vents can also cause toxic gases to leak inside your home. So, it’s best to check it for any debris, dirt, or other objects that may be affecting your home’s proper ventilation. Leaving it unattended can cause fumes to build up. Thus, causing the gases to diffuse into your home.

Clogged drains

Like air vents, clogged drains can also be responsible for transporting toxic waste through your property’s septic system. If you often flush or pour items that can clog your gutters, it can result in a sewage backup. If it doesn’t get fixed in time, all the biodegradable items will continue to decompose. Thus, causing the gases to leak back into your house.


Unfastened toilets

Another factor that can cause toxic fumes to penetrate your house is loose toilets. You need to ensure that it’s tightly fitted directly to the sewer line to protect everyone from gas leakage. Keep in mind that having an unfastened toilet can create gaps in the pipes. Thus, leading to sewer gas leakage.

Missing clean-out plugs

Clean-out plugs cover the line that goes between your outdoor system and your indoor system. So, if you’re missing the clean-out plug, there’s a big chance that toxic fumes will immediately seep inside your house. So, check if any of the clean-out lines are missing its plugs. If it’s either broken or missing, then getting a replacement at any of the nearest hardware store.

Sewer gas is a mixture of toxic and nontoxic fumes that forms from decaying biodegradable matter. Leaving it unattended can various health problems and even property damage. If you notice any repulsive smell from inside your house, you need to find out the point of entry immediately. In most cases, pouring water into the drain or removing debris from the pipes can help. But if you feel like it’s too much to handle, then calling a professional is the best choice.

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