Boost Your Mood by DIY Painting Your Bedroom

man painting a wall

The bedroom is perhaps the only room in your home that is yours and yours alone. It is your kingdom, your domain. You are the master. It is the only place you can feel really safe and secure. You start your day in it, and you retire to it at the end of the day.

It is only right that your bedroom should make you feel good about yourself. One of the things you can do to make your bedroom as relaxing, inviting, and peaceful is to redo the paint.

How can paint affect your mood and mental health?

There’s a lot more to painting a room than just improving the aesthetics of a space. Sure, it makes a place look new and clean that you would need to ask carpet cleaners to do your rugs, too, just so they don’t look out of place with the update. But it also has the power to uplift one’s mood and even positively affect one’s mental health.

We all love clean homes, but we also want better mental health for ourselves and for our loved ones.

The same way that marketers and advertisers employ color to get certain emotional responses from people, you can use it to your advantage and turn your bedroom into a therapeutic area that you can relax and recharge in.

There is a psychology behind the use of the right colors for spaces. Great designers make color one of their considerations. Certain colors go well with certain rooms because of the science behind it. They believe that colors affect how you feel, think, and act within a certain space.

For instance, passion and energy are associated with deeper reds, and calmness and tranquility are often associated with cooler blues.

The act of painting the room alone is already therapeutic for a lot of people. It gives them goals to accomplish and makes them feel in control. It distracts them, albeit temporarily, from their other concerns. Painting your room in colors that are right for you can make a huge difference in how you feel which can eventually lead to better mental health.

10 Steps to Painting Your Bedroom to Help Boost Your Mood

painted wallStep 1: Carefully plan how you intend to go about the job.

Give careful thought to how you plan to redo your bedroom’s colors. Don’t just slap a coat of fresh paint on it. Have a clear vision of what you want your room to look like and work your way towards it.

Step 2: Pick the color that makes you feel good.

The safe route to go, as far as color choices are concerned, is picking a neutral color. However, if you want your room to cater to you, you need to expand your options. Pick colors that make you boost your mood and confidence. This will matter a lot because your room’s color will be the first and the last thing that you see in your day.

Step 3: Identify which tools and equipment you will need for the task.

Not all projects are the same. Depending on the room’s design, the type of paint you choose, and the condition of your walls, you might need some tools and equipment other than the typical paintbrush, roller, and pan.

Step 4: Calculate the area you’re painting so you know how much paint you’re supposed to get.

Again, this will be based on how big the room is and how much of it you intend to paint. Are you just painting the walls or will you include some of the fixed cabinets, shelves, and window sills? Identify how big the area is and from there, you can use a paint calculator or consult with a professional.

Step 5: Start prepping the room.

In any paint job, how you prep for the project will determine the quality of the outcome. Move furniture to a different room, cover the portions that you don’t want to be splattered with paint, clean the walls, and condition them. Make sure you have everything covered (literally and figuratively) before you start.

Step 6: Mix the paint.

Paint is pretty much made up of solids in liquids. If it is at rest for a long time, like maybe on a shelf or cabinet in a shop or garage, the solids settle at the bottom. This is why you should mix the paint before you get to work and once in a while as you progress. A lot of people are either unaware of this or overlook this. Don’t be one of them.

Step 7: Choose which painting style and techniques you want to use.

Now that your roller and brush are ready and your paint is mixed, what’s next? Work on a strategy to get the best results. Identify which parts of the room to paint first. It is best to find a technique that will not waste your time and your paint so be wise with your choices.

Step 8: Let some air in.

As you paint your room, don’t forget to let some ventilation in. Open windows and doors to let the air in or turn on the fan in the room. It will help speed up the drying process.

Step 9: Don’t rush the process.

We’re sure you can’t wait to see how your room will look like once it’s done, but we highly recommend that you don’t rush the process beyond what’s normal. Take your time with every stroke and roll. Don’t cut corners. Otherwise, you may end up with results that have a very poor quality that won’t last long.

Step 10: Clean up your mess.

Finally, clean up your mess. Get rid of all the trash. Clean up the tools and equipment that you used before putting them back in storage. Make sure you also properly put away unused paint. And then clean up the room once the paint is completely dry before you move the furniture back in.

A bedroom that makes you feel energized, happy, and at peace helps you power through the day’s challenges. It gives you the right start and recharges as you prepare for the following day.

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