Construction and Safety: Ensuring a Safe Do-It-Yourself Home Improvement

The latest data on the retail business in the United Kingdom reported a continued increase in sales for four consecutive months since the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease. Sales volume rose to 0.8 percent between July and August, surpassing the pre-pandemic sales level.

While sales on clothing remain below its pre-pandemic level, sales on home improvement products and household goods remain particularly strong even with the easement of lockdown all over the country. As the pandemic continues to linger, people will always look for ways to spend their time productively.

One way to kill the boredom and stress brought by shelter-in-place and lockdown regulations is to have a little do-it-yourself home improvement project. With countless video tutorials and shows available for anyone to access, it only entices homeowners to get on their feet and do the remodeling themselves.

Nonetheless, starting a DIY home project is not an easy task. Before we could ever achieve the breathtaking output you see on shows and tutorials, there are plenty of safety precautions, along with other preparations we need to check. Without such, you run the risk of a trip to the hospital or draining your bank account.

Accidents can happen anywhere, and the most frequent accidents that occur when you are doing a Do-it-yourself project are the following:

  • Falling off a ladder;
  • Slips, trips, and falls;
  • Misusing tools and equipment;
  • Electrocution; and,
  • Inhaling noxious fumes.

To avoid running the risk of experiencing any of these accidents, here are some home renovation safety tips to guide you.

Do Your Homework

Projects for DIY home renovation could be as simple as painting a single wall, to something more complex like building a new patio. You should understand that every project needs different skill sets and knowledge.

If you are unfamiliar with the project that you want to pull off, take time to do thorough research before you get started. You can find vast resources online that can guide you with home improvement. You could even consult your local hardware store for some advice.

Familiarize yourself as well with the tools and equipment you will be using in your DIY project. That way, you mitigate, if not avoid, any hassle or mishap along the way.

home renovation with dog in the foreground

Go Through the Instructions

Other than doing a thorough research of your project, having a good grasp of instructions from the manufacturers helps you evade any probable injury or accident while completing a DIY home renovation.

It would not hurt spending a few minutes reading or listening to instruction materials. After all, it is for you and your family’s safety.

Fortify Your Work Area

Before you let the excitement take over when accomplishing a DIY, check your work vicinity for any small details that might lead to potential accidents. It could be any hazards unnoticed that could cause anyone to trip, fall, or slip.

Make sure that there are no electrical wires, particularly naked ones, lying around. Protect yourself and your family as well from any silica dust particles, as prolonged exposure to this substance would lead to health risks.

Furthermore, after completing the project, ensure that all tools and materials are properly kept so that you avoid tripping on them. Store your toolbox in a space where your kids would have no access to them.

Prepare Your First Aid Kit

With hospitals and health centers still heavily loaded with COVID-19 patients, it’s essential to have a first aid kit on hand. Even skilled workers could experience minor injuries sometimes, how much more a rookie like you?

Other than having your construction tools ready, invest as well in a first aid kit. Have it stuffed with disinfectants, bandages, gauze, and burn ointments.

Dress to Be Safe

Wearing in personal protective equipment including construction safety gloves might seem too much for some, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

In pulling off a DIY project, people sometimes run the risk of hurting themselves because they ignore small details. It could be jewelry we are wearing, our long hair, or our bare skin. Also, without appropriate clothing, you run the risk of inhaling asbestos, molds, and other toxins that might be released when renovating a house.

Outsource Electrical Work

While the internet offers a wide selection of DIY tutorials and tips, never pull off one that involves electrical works unless you have some skills in handling electricity. True that doing a home renovation all by yourself helps you save on cash, but it is always safe to leave electrical works to qualified professionals.

If not handled correctly, electricity could kill anyone. A flawed electrical work not only could cause death but also start house fires. You also run the risk of voiding your home insurance if you DIY your house’s electrical work.

All things considered, there are instances when a home renovation project is just beyond our capacity. If that is the case, do not hesitate to call on a professional to do the job for you. That way, you ensure your finished project is well-done.

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