Preventing Burglaries: Home Security Improvements You Can Consider

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When you are a homeowner, one of the things you should be nervous about is the threat of theft and burglaries. Thieves are always on the lookout for an easy score and you don’t want your home to be the target. It is possible to upgrade your home’s security that you can be reasonably confident that most thieves will go away.

Here are some of those home improvements:

Improved Door Security

The doors of your home are one of the first lines of defense against robbers. This is why it is a good idea to not have a flimsy-looking door. Invest in a solid wooden or metal door to discourage adventurous thieves. Besides that, you might want to change out the types of locks that your house has. For example, a Euro cylinder door lock is a much better option than your normal lock. It is resistant against drilling and lock picking, which are the main ways robbers defeat locks. Making it difficult can be enough to chase robbers away.

Check Your Windows

The other place where your home is vulnerable is its windows. Depending on your home’s design, you most likely have more windows than doors. This is why you should focus on improving them. Most windows come with latches but they are often not enough. You want your windows to have better locks and to have some security film over the glass. This ensures that the windows are not easy to break into. You can even have some natural protection by having prickly plants placed near all of your windows. This prevents burglars from having a comfortable time near your windows. You can also add lights and bars near your windows to make it more difficult for thieves to get into position.

Burglar attempting to break in

Install Timed and Sensor-linked Lights

One of the biggest threats that a thief might face is that people see them. This is why having a lot of lighting installed is a good idea. You don’t even need to be the one to turn them on. You can have the lights automatically come on when night comes. This is a great approach when you want to make people think you are home. If you want to save on lighting bills though, you can have sensor-linked lights instead. When they detect movement, they can turn on. This is an easy way to discourage trespassers without having the lights on all the time.

Have a Clean Lawn

Your lawn is where the burglars approach from. When you have a messy lawn with many hiding places, they can use that to their advantage. That is why you will need to clean it up. Landscape it so that trees and shrubs don’t provide places to hide. You can also ensure that you have a clear view of everyone approaching your house.

It doesn’t take much to be secure in your own home. All you need is to know the right approach and you will be fine. The above changes to your home are only one part of securing your house. You also need to develop habits with home security in mind. The improvements are a big help, though, and will already make your house safer.

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