Is It Possible to Live Sustainably Without Breaking the Bank?


These days, more people and brands are advocating for sustainability. Numerous sustainable efforts serve as an eye-opener as to why we badly need to be more mindful of our decisions. This is since virtually everything we do can affect the environment. We may be living in an unsustainable society. But that should not stop us from trying to do our part.

Numerous misconceptions surround sustainable living. Misinformation or lack of knowledge regarding this type of lifestyle can you from embracing a sustainable life. But is it true that it is more expensive to live a sustainable lifestyle than a regular one?

Sustainable Life = More Expensive Lifestyle?

One common misconception people have when it comes to sustainable living is that it costs more to adopt this kind of lifestyle. This is since some things that can turn one’s home into a sustainability hotspot requires a considerable amount of investment. Each effort can cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars of upfront fees.

Solar panel installations, for instance, can range between $11,144 and $14,696. Since most people use about 55% of their utility bills on energy, using free energy from the sun can be a great way to cut down your electricity bills. But then, one is required to pay the high upfront fees before they can enjoy the savings.

Living a sustainable lifestyle means investing in the right technology so you can get bigger savings in the long run. But this does not necessarily mean you should already make drastic changes when trying to live sustainably. There is no reason to drain your savings or get a loan just to pay for sustainable upgrades.

modern kitchen

Budget-friendly Ways to Start Living Sustainably

There are numerous cost-effective ways you can start living a sustainable lifestyle. All it takes is your willingness to make lifestyle changes so you can finally reduce your impact on the environment. Here are some of our favorites.For starters, learn how you can reduce your energy usage. You may not afford new appliances that are energy-efficient and eco-friendly. But you can change your habits to avoid wasting energy without taking your comfort for granted.

Instead of your usual incandescent lights, choose LEDs on your next purchase. Adapt the habit of turning off the lights and appliances in areas you are not using. It also helps to make use of as much natural light as possible.

Invest in high-quality shutters and enjoy increased privacy, security, and insulation. You can open these up to let the light in and avoid having to use artificial light when it is bright outside. You can block out the light and reduce cold and hot transfers from the inside and out, letting you save more on energy.

Bid farewell to single-use plastics and choose products that offer less packaging. Buy in bulk if possible and reuse and recycle everything you can repurpose. Invest in organic, healthier food options, and cook more home-cooked meals.

For leftovers, you can’t find new recipes to whip up, choose to compost these instead. This enables you to make rich soil for your backyard garden. The good news is, you can easily craft a $10 compost bin.

You can even live sustainably by choosing second-hand stores instead of new ones. Familiar brands may claim their materials are sourced sustainably and the quality of their offers is superb. Buying from a thrift shop means repurposing old items so you can reduce your wastes.

There are many other sustainable practices you can choose from that won’t ruin your finances. There is no need to go bankrupt just so you can afford top of the line sustainable offers. What you need to start thinking of how you can do your party working out the things you already have at hand.

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