4 Ways to Make Your Interiors Lighter

Small modern living room with TV and couch

A dingy room is not an ideal living space. The dimness can easily make your room dirty and almost uninhabitable, especially if there is clutter all around. As such, you need to make an effort to make your space much brighter. A brighter space is conducive to family activities and household chores. However, some families do not pay attention to this aspect. They may have already gotten used to it or they think that they can improve their condition some other time.

A dingy room can create an impression among your guests — an impression that tells them that you do not care. If you want to change that, there are actually some ways you can actually improve your interiors. Yes, you may spend some money, but understand that these efforts are forms of investments. Who knows, the changes may even increase your home’s resale value. Below are some of the tips you may want to keep in mind.

Tip #1: Have more windows

If your goal is to bring in more natural light, you need to open up more holes on the walls and have more windows. That way, you can easily have more sunlight into your interiors. If you are worried about privacy, you can always put up blinds and curtains. Having more windows will also allow you to let some wind in, thus making your room much cooler. If windows are not possible, you can choose to have skylights. You can have them right above your staircase or right above your bedroom.

Tip #2: Use brighter paints

Sometimes, the overall color of the interiors affects the behaviour of the light. If you use dark hues, such as navy blue, black, and even red, your room may look constrained and small. This is because the light is not necessarily reflected. You may want to change your interiors’ colors. For one, you may use white if you want to make your room feel ethereal. You can also go for pastel shades, such as yellow, sky blue, and even pink!

Tip #3: Use the right materials

white-themed kitchen

Sometimes, the brightness of the room actually depends on the type of materials you are using. If you use dark hardwood, you can only expect that the light will not be reflected. If you are planning to renovate your home, you may change the type of materials you will want to use. Next time, you may want to use lightly coloured plywood for your interiors. Make them glossier by using varnish.

Tip #4: Pick the right lights

Finally, the right lights can help you make your room brighter at night. You may veer away from fluorescent light if your goal is to make your room elegant, so reserve them for functional requirements. You may want to use ambient lights and recessed lighting systems. Warm lights can set the mood that will be conducive to rest.

These are only some of the things to keep in mind if you want to make your room much brighter. These may take some effort, but at least you are doing the things that will allow you to make your home a better place to live in.

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