Time for a Tune-Up: Signs that Your Commercial Generator Needs Repair

Mobile diesel generator for emergency electric power use

Generators serve as your company’s lifeline in the event of a power outage. While you may only need to use your generator a handful of times throughout the year, you don’t want to find out that your generator is completely unreliable in the middle of a blackout. It is therefore important that you keep your generator in mint condition, ready and waiting to perform up to standards when you need back-up electricity.

During most of their service life, generators don’t often experience technical issues like other office equipment or construction machinery. However, this limited use can make any signs of repair difficult to notice. Professionals at Quality Electric Sales and Service Limited agree that you need to have your generators inspected and tested on a regular basis to determine if repairs are necessary.

Here are warnings signs that your generator needs repair:

Failure to Start

This is an obvious indicator that you have a faulty generator. Your generator may not start due to battery failure, low fuel levels or air bubbles in the fuel injectors.

If your generator is experiencing battery failure, it is possible that lead sulfates have built up on the plates of the battery. Start-up trouble can also be caused by a damaged engine or a drained battery due to the long period of dormancy.

In case your generator has low fuel levels, it may need to be refueled by a professional. Low fuel levels also cause air bubbles in the generator.


Rusty and old electric generator in construction plant

Leaks weaken the performance of the generator. Depending on the type of generator you have, leaks can be in the form of diesel fuel, oil, natural, gas, or a combination of these types. Since these are highly flammable substances, leaks could also be a serious safety hazard, especially if found in puddles around the generator.

Coolant leaks are also a major cause of alarm and you would be able to identify if the generator experiences coolant leaks if there is a crusty residue around the connection points of the hoses or if the generator’s oil changes in color.

Smoke or Spurts of Flames

If you see smoke or any spark from your generator while it is running, then you should turn it off immediately to prevent fire. Smoke can mean that your generator has oil leaks, a blown gasket, or a broken crankcase breather.

Strange Noises

Generators produce noise when they run. But, if you hear irregular sputtering or a popping sound, then it could be a sign of a faulty ignition timing, worn out plugs or cables, or low fuel. The true cause can be hard to diagnose so it is better to have a professional look at the whole engine.

Worn Out Components

Signs of damage may include dents, cracks, frayed wires, loose connectors, and buttons that get stuck. These can be easily seen on a regular inspection. It is important to have worn out and tattered components repaired or replaced to ensure your generator’s operability.

As seen above, some signs of generator repair are easy to spot, however, there are issues that can be identified through a thorough inspection, ideally conducted by a skilled technician. If any problems are found during the inspection, you have to call for the services of generator repair company to have them immediately fixed.

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