Things You Must Do Before Moving Out of Your Current Home

a happy couple outside their new house

Moving is a hectic and stressful time. There are so many things to think about and organise, not to mention the actual process of packing up all your belongings and getting them from Point A to Point B.

To make your move as smooth as possible, here’s a list of the top things you need to do before you leave your current home.

Clear It Out

Schedule a professional house clearance service for the day before and after you move out. This way, you won’t have to worry about doing the work yourself, and you can focus on settling into your new place. Experienced cleaners have the necessary tools and knowledge to do the job quickly and efficiently.

You’ll want to leave your old place in tip-top shape for the next occupants. Don’t forget to clean those hard-to-reach places, like under the fridge and oven and in between the couch cushions. A professional cleaning service will make sure everything is spick and span.

Update or Cancel Your Subscriptions

Make sure to cancel or transfer any subscriptions or memberships you have that are tied to your current address. This includes things like newspaper or magazine subscriptions, gym memberships, and any other services that will be interrupted by your move.

Learn about Your New Place

If you’re moving out of state, research your new state’s laws and regulations surrounding voting, driver’s licenses, vehicle registration, etc. Each state has different requirements, so it’s important to be prepared in advance. Learn about the new community and its people. Check out local resources like the Chamber of Commerce, public library, and online forums to get a feel for the area. You also need to inform the authorities or the homeowners’ association about your moving date and other important details.

Make Arrangements for Utilities

Set up your utilities at your new place before you move in. This includes electricity, water, gas, trash service, etc. Most utility companies require that you set up service at least a week in advance, so be sure to plan ahead. You don’t want your bills sent to your old address, as that will be frustrating for you and the new occupants in your previous home.

packing things for the move

Prepare Your New Place

If you’re moving into a new home, make sure it’s ready for you to live in. This includes things like painting, repairing any damage, and deep cleaning. If you’re moving into an apartment, contact the management company to let them know your move-in date and to find out if there are any specific instructions you need to follow. Make sure the house and the neighbourhood are safe for you and your family.

Mind Your Pets

If you have any pets, arrange for them to stay with a friend or family member while you’re moving. Moving with pets can be difficult and stressful for you and your furry friends. You can just get them after organising your new place, and you’re sure it’s already safe for your furbabies.

Grab the Essentials

Moving is exhausting, and the last thing you’ll want to do is search through all your boxes for your toothbrush or pyjamas. Pack an overnight bag with all the essentials you’ll need for the first few days in your new home, including clothes, toiletries, medications, etc. This will make the transition much easier and less stressful.

Update Your Home Address

Many people and places need to know your new address, including the post office, your employer, your bank, your doctor, and the DMV. Update your address on all your accounts and documents. This includes your driver’s license, car registration, passport, voter registration, insurance policies, and medical records. After you’ve moved into your new place, visit your local post office or go online and update your address so that your mail and orders will be forwarded to your new home.

Say Farewell

Finally, take some time to say goodbye to your old neighbourhood. Even if you’re excited about the move, it’s normal to feel sad about leaving the place you called home for so long. Spend some time walking around and taking everything in one last time before starting this new chapter in your life. You can also organize a party for your friends and neighbours to say goodbye. Be sure to invite your children’s friends and their parents.

Taking care of these tasks in advance allows you to focus on more important things, like unpacking and settling into your new place. Just remember to take everything one step at a time and stay organized throughout the process; everything will come together before you know it.

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