Make Your Guests Feel Welcome with These Simple Home Updates

woman with friends at her house

Are you expecting friends or family to visit your home soon? Are they staying for a couple of days or more? It’s time you do some home improvements. You want your guests to feel welcome. Also, you do not want them to think you took their arrival for granted. Show how excited and happy you are about the visit. No matter how close you are to your would-be visitors, you still want your best foot forward.

Thankfully, you do not have to break the bank to impress your guests. If you get creative, you might not even need to spend a single centavo. Remember that even simple home improvements, if done right, will make a huge difference. Consider the following recommendations.

Mind your home’s plumbing

You do not want your guest to come out of the shower still soaked because they haven’t finished their shower. They had to come out of the bathroom because the floor got flooded. Or worse, you do not want your guest to come out of the comfort room looking bewildered. That’s because they kept flushing the toilet but to no avail.

Those scenarios will make your blood rush to your face. So do not let them happen. Before your guests’ arrival, have your tubes, pipes, and drains checked by a reliable plumbing service provider.

Change the guest room’s curtains, bedding, and pillowcases

You’re lucky if you have a guest room for your visitors. They’ll feel lucky too. And they’ll be happy to see that the bedding and pillowcases are fresh. If the windows have new curtains, the more impressive you become as a host.

Changing old curtains and bedding and pillowcases is not just about aesthetics. If your guests suffer from allergic attacks, you’re doing them a big favor. You do not want your guests sneezing every time they walk out of the guest room. So make that space as dust-free as possible.

Have a sofa bed ready

In case you live in a small space and you do not have a guest room for your visitors, you have two options. One option is to get a sofa bed. This one-time investment will come in handy every time you need to host people for a few nights.

Or, alternatively, you can show your guest how much of a goodhearted host you are and let them have your room. You can sleep on the couch in the living room. Chances are your guest will decline initially. But you must insist. Don’t let them win this non-argument.

Wash your dishes

We know you wash your dishes after you use them. But maybe some of your already washed dishes look a bit ill-maintained. It’s time you check your kitchen cabinets and cupboards. If you see any unsightly stains on your plates and bowls, wash them. Or to be more accurate, rewash them.

Your guest won’t say a word if they see a stained white plate in front of them during dinner. They will try to be polite. But if you notice what’s happening, you probably won’t be able to forgive yourself. So, avoid these faux-pas by being proactive.

Fix your air conditioning

If it’s summer, you want your space cool. If it’s the cold season, you want it warm. That’s pretty basic. And when you’re expecting a guest, you want your house’s temperature set just right. So make sure your air conditioning’s working fine. If not, have an HVAC expert come to your house to fix the problem. Or DIY if you can.

You do not want your guest to leave your house looking tired because they weren’t able to sleep properly for consecutive nights. You want the visits to be memorable in the most flattering ways.

It feels nice to welcome people into our home. It’s like we’re sharing something special with them. So whether your visitors are staying just for a night or an entire week, make sure to go out of your way to make your home as presentable and as comfortable as possible. Your guests will appreciate your effort. They might not verbally express their gratitude, but they’ll surely show it in other ways. For instance, when it’s time for you to visit their town or city, they too will go out of their way to make sure you’ll feel most welcome.

So follow the recommendations cited here. Come up with other ideas too. Trust us you’ll have fun doing these home improvements. After all, they’re for your loved ones. Your efforts will feel like goodwill.

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