Safe Haven: A Straightforward Guide to Childproofing Your Home

Childproofing Your Home

Your home may be the first thing on your mind when thinking about the safest place for your kids, but in reality, it may not be so. There are hazards in your house that you could be missing, so it’s important to rethink and check each room, corner and surface.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to childproofing your house.

For the living room

Everything sparks curiosity for kids, but one thing that may stand out in their eyes is the electrical outlet. This is among the first things they see when playing on the floors. They can easily unplug the cord, stick their toys, and get injured by electric shock.

As much as possible, keep those areas hidden. Conceal them away in cabinets or other furniture. If that’s not possible, buy a power strip cover.

Speaking of furniture, some of the hard pieces you have such as the coffee table, can cause cuts or bruises on the body when kids bump into its edges. Be sure to secure your furnishings with edge guards.

As for the general principle, keep stuff high up. Television, picture frames, and candles should be in an elevated area.

For the bedroom

In the sleeping area, be very attentive about suffocation risks. It’s best to clear away stuffed toys. Avoid using drop-side cribs, too, as it can get little kids stuck in between the mattress and the supporting structure when that side structure breaks.

Make sure that the blinds and other window treatments are cordless. Those tiny ropes can also cause suffocation when kids unintentionally entangle themselves there.

The other thing you should watch out for is the clutter. Toys and crayons scattered everywhere can be a slip hazard. Encourage your children to store stuff properly after using. Put safety gates in the doorway, especially when the kids’ room is on the second floor, also to avoid deadly slips and falls.

For the bathroom

A tiny puddle on the bathroom floor is enough to make kids slip. After every bath, mop surfaces dry thoroughly. Toilet bowls and tubs present a risk, as well: children falling over and drowning. So, it’s really, really important to keep the toilet lid down and install a latch in it. Empty your tub after bath.

As for the other items in the room, store them in a high place. This applies to the toiletries, medicines, and makeup. If you can keep the bathroom door shut at all times, better. Use doorknob covers, if possible.

For your backyard and other areas of the house

In the backyard, watch out for poisoning and drowning risks. Weed out the toxic plants, or keep them in an enclosed area away from the children’s play zone. Enclose your pool as well with metal fences and gates. Install a pool cover, if you can.

Take note of the sheds and the garage, too. Keep them locked all the time to keep kids from high-power equipment and dangerous tools. Every time you close and lock your roller doors, Cairns-based safety experts remind keeping the path clear (also known as making sure your kids are out of the way).

There are so many hidden hazards at the ‘safest place on earth’ for your kids. Keep them out of sight. Get rid of them, if possible. Protect your children at home and make it a really safe space for them.

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