Remodel: A Q&A for Loft Conversion Projects

conservatory extending into the garden

Extending your home and adding another room can be such an expensive project. Aside from buying all of the materials, you also have to take note of the permits you have to secure, as this is pretty much a must for every home building and extension. Not doing so might land you in hot water with your local government.

Today, we will discuss a couple of questions that you should ask before proceeding with your Surrey loft conversion projects.

Is it a Conversion or an Extension?

Decide whether you need a loft conversion or a roof extension. Smaller roofs and attics might need to be extended, especially if there is not enough space for a bed, couch, and chairs that are huge musts if you want to build a loft.

The advantage of a roof extension is that you will have better flexibility when designing your loft. You can also let your creative juices out, as you would have enough room to play with. However, this can be a bit more expensive than a loft conversion and can take a lot more of your time and resources.

What Roof Style Do I Have?

Look at your current roof and see what type of roofing you currently have. Some roofs are not compatible with loft conversions, which means that you have to resort to an extension.

Spacious pitched roofs are usually big enough for a skylight conversion. You would have much more floor than roof space, so if you want to have a bigger roof, you have to resort to an extension. A restricted pitched roof might need a dormer extension, as this usually extends at the back of your house. A hipped roof might need a hip to gable extension, while a valley or butterfly roof will best benefit a mansard extension.

loft conversion

Should I Get a Planning and Building Permission?

As mentioned, some extensions and conversions need building or planning permission. Most conversions might not need permission, but extensions will definitely need one. Talk to your local government and ask if you have to secure permission for your roof extension or loft conversion, as not doing so might land you a lawsuit or two.

How Much Would it Cost Me?

This is one of the most important questions you should ask. If your budget is quite strict, then find a loft conversion company that offers affordable yet quality loft conversions. You should never sacrifice the quality of your budget, as this is your home we are talking about.

Ask your family and friends for recommendations when it comes to looking for companies that do loft conversions. They might know someone who does it for an affordable price or better yet, ask if they can get you discounts and special offers!

Talk to your neighbours first before starting your loft conversion project. You might need to get their permission, too, as they live next to you and might get annoyed with all the noise that will go around during the project. You also would not want to trespass their property by extending to their area, so talk to them and make sure that everything is in its proper place.

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