The Most Important Places to Clean in Your Home (and How to Do It)

woman with gloves cleaning door knob of a room

When it comes to keeping your home clean, some places are more important than others. These places tend to get touched the most often and therefore collect the most germs. In this blog post, we will show you how to clean your home’s most touched areas so that you can keep your family safe and healthy.

1. Doorknobs and Light Switches

The first place to start is with your doorknobs and light switches. These are two of the most commonly touched surfaces in your home, so it is important to keep them clean. The best way to do this is to wipe them down with a disinfecting wipe or cloth every day. You can also use a diluted bleach solution to disinfect these areas.

Not only do you need to clean these surfaces, but you also need to ensure that you are using the proper hand-washing technique. Before touching these surfaces, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.

2. Remote Controls

It is very easy for the TV remote controls to get lost in the couch cushions. But did you know that they can also be a breeding ground for germs? Remove the batteries and use a cloth dampened with diluted white vinegar or rubbing alcohol to clean them. Wipe down all of the surfaces, paying special attention to any buttons or crevices. Let the remote air dry before putting the batteries back in.

You can also use a can of compressed air to clean out the dust and dirt from the crevices of the remote control. This technique is especially helpful if you have young children in the house who like to put things in their mouths.

3. Phones

Your phone is probably one of the dirtiest things in your house. You use them everywhere, including the bathroom, and you often do not wash your hands before using them. To clean your phone, start by wiping it down with a lint-free cloth dampened with diluted white vinegar or rubbing alcohol.

Be sure to get all of the nooks and crannies, including the charging port. You can also use a can of compressed air to clean out any dirt or dust that is accumulated in the charging port. Once you are finished, use a dry cloth to wipe down the phone and remove any streaks.

Woman scrubbing the bar in kitchen

4. Kitchen Counters

Whether preparing a meal or just washing your hands, your kitchen countertops see a lot of action. To clean them, use a cloth dampened with diluted white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Wipe down all surfaces, particularly in areas where food is prepared (such as cutting boards). Let the countertops air dry before using them again.

With all of the different surfaces in your kitchen, it is important to use the proper cleaning supplies for each. For example, you wouldn’t use a harsh cleaner on your granite countertops. Instead, opt for a milder soap or even just water.

5. Windows and Mirrors

While you might not think about it, your windows and mirrors are also touched often. In fact, you probably touch them every time you clean them! To clean these surfaces, use a lint-free cloth dampened with diluted white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Wipe down the surface in a circular motion until it is streak-free.

You can also hire a professional window cleaner to do this job for you. Just be sure to ask about their cleaning solutions and ensure they are using safe products. These professionals also have the proper equipment to clean hard-to-reach areas. Not only will your windows and mirrors be clean, but you’ll also have one less thing to do on your to-do list!

6. Bathroom Fixtures

Faucets, toilets, and showers/tubs get used multiple times a day and can therefore become breeding grounds for germs if they are not adequately cleaned regularly. To clean these areas, use a cloth dampened with diluted white vinegar or rubbing alcohol.

Wipe down all surfaces, paying special attention to any nooks and crannies where dirt and grime can accumulate (such as around faucet handles). Let the fixtures air dry before using them again. You can also use a toothbrush to clean any hard-to-reach areas. You may also want to consider using a disinfecting cleaner, such as diluted bleach, on these surfaces.

There you go! These are just a few of the most important places to clean in your home. By cleaning them regularly, you can help prevent the spread of germs and keep your family healthy. So what are you waiting for? Get cleaning!

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