Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Lawn

Cute dog on the lawn

The word “lawn” came from the Middle English word “launde”, which means an open space between woods. It is soil that is full of green grass. In the olden times, a lawn was used for easier inspection of soldiers for enemies. Since the enemies needed to pass on the castle’s lawn to get inside, the soldier can spot them easily if they are around the area.

Today, lawns are a symbol of high social status. They are typically seen in front of houses. Lawns are used as a decoration or as a place to play for little children. If a family has a big lawn, kids can run around and do outdoor activities. In the United States, there 80% of homes have lawns. A beautiful and well-maintained lawn increases the value and selling price of a house by 11%. In this regard, homeowners make it a priority to keep a healthy yard.

Here are some suggestions on how to sustain a lovely lawn:

1. Mowing

Mow your lawn if you can see that the grass is already tall. Unkept grass may increase the chances of getting weeds. Use a mower blade or a lawn mower to do this. The best option is to hire a professional residential mowing service in Grande Prairie or any other location. Mowing and landscaping companies offer to maintain the landscape of your lawn.

Whenever you are on a vacation, you can easily book their services. Included in their services is the sanitation, cleaning, and trimming of the grass. This is very useful for individuals who are always on the go and do not have time to mow their own yard.

fertilize your lawn sign

2. Fertilizers

Remember to apply the correct fertilizer. Ask for a professional’s help if necessary. Fertilizers have nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Putting too much of each nutrient may burn and damage your soil. Do not use synthetic fertilizers since they are man-made and have bad chemicals. It is harmful to microorganisms and it also pollutes underground water.

Meanwhile, organic fertilizers are made from compost and animal wastes. This is a low-cost fertilizer, which you can make on your own. It does not burn the grass. It is safer to use and gives enough nutrients that the plants need to grow. If you want to know how much nutrients your soil has, you can have it professionally tested.

3. Water

Water your lawn at night or in the morning. During the summer season, it is important to water the grass and other plants regularly to avoid drying up. Around 6-8 inches of wet soil is needed to keep it moist and healthy. There are different types of grass and different watering schedules. Be sure to ask an expert. Commonly, they are watered for 2 to 3 times a week for about 15-20 minutes.

You may set up a sprinkler to make your job simple and manageable. Make sure you use your sprinklers for only a certain amount of time to conserve water. If it has already rained, there is no need to water your lawn for the day.

Having a healthy lawn indicates that the homeowner is good at maintaining their property. Do not hesitate to call for professional help to ensure that your lawn remains in tip-top shape.