Four Awesome Ways to Warmly Welcome a New Roommate to Your Flat

Roommates preparing new flat

Getting a brand-new roommate in your apartment is fun and also stressful. You don’t know if they’ll work with your habits and your schedules, and there’s always a chance that they can be disappointed in you, too. What can you do to make both of you enjoy each other’s company in the first month? Which moments can you share with them to make them feel awesome and welcome?

Game and Music Night

Got a performer in your home? You might want to spend a bit of time singing and being completely carefree with them. Bring in a few of your friends and give them a great trivia night or play some awesome video games. This can become a fantastic tradition, especially if your likes go well with theirs and they have a competitive streak. Granted, you might have to change the living room setup a bit. There’s plenty of cheap but sturdy designer furniture from Singapore that can help make the flat looking carefree and open.

Foodie Party

Food certainly brings people together. What more can you ask for when dealing with a stranger who can potentially be your new best mate? Their eating habits can certainly show much of their personality, particularly if they’re into cooking. You can set up a lunch or dinner party with a few of your friends and theirs and turn it into a relaxed, no-frills soiree. Depending on how private a person they are, you can also just keep it between you and them, getting familiar with their interests through an honest conversation.

Film Night

Girls watching a terror movie on tv

You can tell a lot from a person by the films they like to watch. If they like movies, you can definitely have a proper conversation with them because they can express their thoughts and ideas on films, TV shows, or even YouTube channels that they like best. If their favourite shows match with yours, then that makes it so much better. If you have conflicting movie interests, you can still make them feel welcome by having a film night where you both share your introduction to a new genre.

Tourist Spot Walk

If your roommate is new to the area, it might be a good idea to bring them to the most famous or important landmarks, especially if they’re going to live there for a while. Help them navigate their new home with a short tour on where to find the best meals on a budget, arts and crafts stores, malls, and bars. If they’re all right with doing it on their own, you can invite them to go out for some drinks or watch a local game, depending on what they like to do in their spare time.

Meeting a new and potential roommate is a great opportunity to make a friend. It’s hard to stay in one home and have someone you can’t get along with. With these steps, you can hopefully have an amazing time getting acquainted with this new person in your life. You can forward to a great partnership, no matter how awkward the first few weeks are.

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